Thursday 15 September 2011

Not interested in social networking sites: Tautou

Audrey Tautou Not interested in social networking sites: Tautou
French actress Audrey Tautou says she is not interested in social networking websites because she hardly get time to spend with her real friends.

“I’m not at all interested in social networking sites. Virtual relationships are not my thing. I have hardly any time for my close friends so would have even less time for a virtual group of acquaintances,” quoted the 34-year-old as saying.
The actress also make sure not to interfere in her friend’s life as much as possible.
“I don’t like to interfere with other people’s lives because I understand that we cannot make other people happy when they are unhappy. I can be maternal with my friends. Often, I can understand if you want to interfere with someone’s life, especially if they are feeling bad,”she added.

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