Wednesday 14 September 2011

Weaker Sex?- Brutal Female Killers

1. Aileen Wuornos (1956.-2002.) is an American serial killer. She was a prostitute and was put to death by lethal injection on the 9th of October 1992. She was charged with killing seven men, who, she claimed, rape her while she was working as a prostitute.
2. Audrey Marie Hilley (1933.-1987.) was an American murderer. She murdered her husband in 1975. and attempted to kill her daughter three year later. She was also suspected of poisoning her mother and mother in-low.
3. Beverly Allitt (born 1968.) is one of the most well known serial killers. Working as a pediatric nurse, she’s responsible for the murder of 4 children and the serious injury of 5 others in her care.Although convicted with death or injury in 9 cases, Allitt attacked 13 children over a 58 day period before being caught red-handed.
4. Karla Homolka(born 1970.) is the one of Canada’s most infamous female convicts, responsible for raping, torturing and killing young girls. The dead teens included her own young sister whose innocence was offered by Homolka to her boyfriend as a gift.
5. Lizzie Borden (1860.-1927.) brutally murdered her father and step mother. The murders were famously named as the Fall river murders, because they occurred in Fall river, Massachusets in the United States.
6. Marie Noe is an American woman who was convicted in June 1999. of murdering eight of her children. Between 1949. and 1968., eight of ten Noe’s children died of mysterious causes witch were then attributed to sudden infant death syndrome. All eight children were healthy at birth and were developing normally. Two other died of natural causes.
7. Mary Ann Cotton (1832.-1873.) was an English serial killer and had killed more than 20 people, including her own children, by using arsenic and then collected their insurance money.
8. Myra Hindley and Ian Brady were responsible for the “moors murders” occurring in the Manchester area of Britain in the mid 1960′s. They were responsible for the kidnapping, sexual abuse, torture and murder of three children under the age of 12 and 2 teenagers aged 16 and 17.
9. Rosemary West is a British serial killer convicted of 10 murders in 1995. Her husband Fred, who committed suicide in prison while awaiting trial, is believed to have collaborated with her in the torture and murder of at least 10 young woman, many at the couples home in Gloucester, England.
10. Vera Renczi, The Black Widow, was a Romanian serial killer who poisoned 35 individuals including her husbands, lovers and one son with arsenic during the 1920.’s and 1930.’s.

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