Friday 16 September 2011

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture

A solid gold sculpture was unveiled in London which worth £1.5-million -the model made of course the British supermodel Kate Moss. Before this Marc Quinn has also sculpt a yoga-positioned Kate. The work is from the same series as Sphinx, the white-painted bronze sculpture of Moss contorted into an extreme yoga position that Quinn first unveiled in 2006.

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture

Kate Moss Pure Gold Sculpture
The 50kg golden sculpture work is by Marc Quinn famous for a controversial sculpture installed in London’s Trafalgar Square in 2005- 2007 of a heavily pregnant and armless Thalidomide victim. Entitled as "Siren" the golden sculpture will go on display at the Nereid Gallery of the British Museum on October 4 that will be surrounded by other pieces including the g0ddess of l0ve Crouching Venus.

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